Botox vs Dermal Fillers – What is the difference?


More and more people are choosing to have wrinkle treatment to reduce the signs of aging and enhance their natural beauty.

With so many products now available, both over the counter and via medical procedure, it can be difficult to know what the best treatment for you is.

For long lasting effects, Botulinum toxin type A (Botox) and dermal fillers are the two most popular options.

But what exactly do these procedures involve, and what is the difference between the two?


Botox has been the go-to wrinkle treatment option for over two decades now and can be used to treat migraines and muscle weakness resulting from neurological disorders.

Botox is a neurotoxic protein prompting muscle relaxation and is most commonly used to treat dynamic wrinkles around the eyes and mouth.

During the procedure, Botox injections will be inserted into the target muscles by your healthcare provider in a matter of minutes and you will begin to see the visible benefits within just two weeks.

By relaxing nearby muscles and preventing them from contracting, Botox will reduce the appearance of visible wrinkles on the face until the effects wear off.

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are another injectable wrinkle treatment option used to treat smile lines and plump up lips and cheeks.

Whilst some dermal fillers are temporary, they can have longer lasting effects than Botox depending on usage and the form that the filler takes.

There are a number of different dermal filler options available, and you will discuss with your healthcare provider the best option for your needs.

Some of the dermal fillers commonly used for cosmetic purposes include:

  • Collagen
  • Hyaluronic acid
  • Calcium Hydroxyapatite
  • Paly-L-Lactic acid
  • Polymethylmethacrylate beads

The effects of dermal fillers last for anywhere between 4 months and permanently, with most lasting from 6-9 months.

Which is more effective?

Both Botox and dermal fillers produce noticeable effects in a matter of days after injection.

Dermal fillers Glasgow and Botox are both proven to be effective in reducing the signs of aging and many people across the UK are delighted with the results of these treatments.

Side Effects

When performed by an experienced doctor, both Botox injection and dermal fillers are extremely low risk cosmetic treatments.

However, as with any medical procedure there can be side effects that you should be aware of before proceeding with either.

If you have any pre-existing medical conditions that you are concerned may impact your body’s reaction to injections, or any other aspect of the course, ALWAYS discuss this with your healthcare provider as the side effects may be worse as a result.

Botox side effects

Some of the more common possible side effects of Botox include:

  • Headaches
  • Eye irritation
  • Neck pain
  • Bruising
  • Drooping eyelids

Most of these should resolve themselves in a couple of weeks at most, and you may never experience any of these at all, but Botox should only be considered by those in good health to reduce the chances of more serious side effects.

Dermal fillers side effects

Dermal fillers do pose a slightly higher risk than Botox and have more potential side effects, however it is still extremely rare to see serious side effects in healthy individuals.

Most severe negative effects resulting from dermal fillers come as a result of unregulated needle free injections so you should always use a licensed and well-respected medical company to reduce the risk of complications.

Side effects of dermal fillers include:

  • Bruising
  • Itching
  • Numbness
  • Scarring
  • Eyebrow drooping
  • Swelling
  • Allergic Reactions

It is not recommended that you have either Botox or dermal fillers injected if you:

  • Have a neuromuscular disease such as multiple sclerosis
  • Have particularly weak facial muscles
  • Are in general poor health
  • Are Pregnant.


Botox tends to be slightly cheaper than dermal fillers due to the more temporary nature of the procedure.

The cost of a session is very much dependent on the extent of the work you would like done and the number of injections needed to achieve your desired result.

At Luxe Skin, our Botox treatments start from just £75 whist our range of dermal filler treatments begin at just £350 for a 1ML syringe.


There are pros and cons to choosing both Botox and dermal fillers.

On the one hand, dermal fillers are a more permanent option than Botox, but they also tend to be significantly more expensive and have more potential side effects.

It is worth noting that Botox and Dermal fillers treat slightly different problems and that it is not necessarily a direct choice between the two.

By discussing your options with your healthcare provider, you will be able to make an informed decision based upon the area of your face you are targeting and the results you are looking for.
