Is Online Therapy Right for You?

Is Online Therapy Right for You?

Do you wish you had more help and guidance in your life? Is there someone with unresolved issues that are causing trouble for yourself and those around you? Do you feel the need to be heard by a person who will truly listen without judgment or interference? Are you of an age where it is difficult to get help from a traditional therapist due to confidentiality or the nature of your relationship with them? If so, online counseling might be right for you.

Online therapy isn’t something new to many people. There are a number of ongoing studies and research being done on ways people can utilize modern technology in order to make positive changes in their lives, and one area where it’s been incredibly helpful is with helping people who normally wouldn’t be able to get the help they need. Here are some of the reasons why you can benefit from online counseling:

1. It’s confidential, but not anonymous.

A lot of therapists will require that you sign a confidentiality contract saying that none of your personal information can be disclosed to anyone outside the sessions with them. There are some online services like Talkspace where this is also the case. However, it’s important to understand that while you’re taking part in online counseling, there is always a chance that your information could be leaked. If you are someone who cannot risk this happening for any reason, you might want to consider meeting with a traditional therapist in person.

2. You don’t need an ID or proof of residency to use it.

As mentioned above, some therapists will ask for proof of your ID or a form of residency in order to get into their practice. You might not have a photo ID, or you live somewhere that’s hard for therapists to come and visit. If this is the case, online counseling can be beneficial.

3. There are no hidden costs involved.

With traditional therapy comes a lot of different fees. You have to pay for transportation, gas, food, etc. when you’re in session with a therapist. There are no added costs to the patient if they choose online counseling because everything is handled by the service itself.

4. You can talk to someone right away instead of waiting weeks or months for an appointment.

This has been one of the most well-received benefits of online counseling. If you feel as though you’re in a place where you need help and there’s something that just needs to be taken care of right now, this is an option for you. You can live chat with a professional counselor or therapist during certain times of the day and get the advice that you need right away.

5. You can schedule your sessions around your schedule, not theirs.

With online counseling, you can make appointments whenever you feel it’s best for you instead of having someone else dictate when they have free time to see patients. This way, if there is ever a time where you need to cancel or reschedule a session, you have that control over what happens in your life, not the therapist.

If you are looking for help with any area of your life that’s causing problems, online counseling might just be the best way to get it. You can schedule sessions whenever is convenient for you, have someone who understands what you’re going through listening to you without judgment or interference, and never have to worry about where your therapist is at in order to get the help you need. The first thing you have to do is to read some best online therapy reviews to find out reliable online counseling websites and start your journey.
