Types of Rhinoplasty Surgery

Rhinoplasty, also known as a nose job, is a plastic surgery procedure usually used to change and reconstruct the nose. There are basically two kinds of rhinoplasty used nowadays; reconstructive rhinoplasty which restores the functional form and appearance of the nasal nose and aesthetic rhinoplasty which changes the physical look of the nasal nose. Learn more about Dr William Portuese, a facial plastic surgeon in Seattle Washington. The reconstructive rhinoplasty may be done to correct the nasal septum (the cartilage dividing the two nostrils into two sections), fix the hanging nasal septum, or remove some portion of the tissue or skin. Some patients may also need reconstructive procedures in order to restore the normal nasal breathing function and improve breathing quality.

The aesthetic plastic surgeon performs the reconstructive procedure in a hospital setting under general anesthesia. Most rhinoplasty surgeries are performed on an outpatient basis. It is very common for the surgeon to perform several procedures at once to reconstruct the nasal features of a patient. The surgeon is supervised by a board-certified plastic surgeon and sometimes a periodontist in order to provide optimum patient care.

During the rhinoplasty surgery the patient will remain in the hospital approximately five to seven days after the procedure. The patient will have to wear a splint which will keep the nasal bones fractured in place. This splint is specially designed for each individual patient and usually custom made by a nose job surgeon. The patient may be required to remove some of the adhesions from around the eye during the first day following the procedure. The splint will be removed a week after the procedure. Contact Dr William Portuese | Seattle WA for more information at 206-624-6200.

Recovery after rhinoplasty surgery is quite extensive but typically does not require any type of extensive hospital stay. The best approach is to maintain a normal daily schedule and return to work quickly. The most important thing to remember is to keep the nasal bones elevated and free from swelling. Swelling can be reduced with non-surgical nose jobs and by elevation.

It is very important to be careful to preserve the non-essential characteristics of each patient’s nasal features. When there are excessive amounts of fat, cartilage, or skin which can negatively affect the appearance of a patient’s features, cosmetic nasal plastic surgery procedures may be necessary. The most common procedure to help reduce the size of a nostril is known as reduction rhinoplasty. This procedure is also helpful for those patients who have overbites or overly wide nostrils.

Another type of procedure that is frequently performed is the procedure called endoscopic surgery. This type of surgery is not actually considered to be a rhinoplasty, but it does involve the incisions made with the endoscope. This is the preferred option for those patients who are unhappy with their present condition, but do not have any of the traditional nasal structures that would negatively affect an endoscopic surgery. These patients often require additional procedures to address issues that are caused by their excess nasal volume.

Dr William Portuese
1101 Madison St #1280
Seattle, WA, 98104 USA
